
Don’t Be Afraid to Bear Life
Womanhood chiefly means mothering. For women, nurturing takes many forms besides parenting children. Whether it’s providing comfort to a colleague in the workplace, teaching students, or being a confidant to a friend, women are hardwired to breathe life into everything they do.

The Jonah Hill Drama: Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry Online
A lot has happened with Jonah Hill in the last week. Famous for being the chubby sidekick in 21 Jump Street and other comedy movies, Hill was recently accused of being a no-good control freak by an ex-girlfriend. We break it down.

The Foundation of Partnership
Fundamentally, a romantic partnership between two people endures because they choose each other consistently for all their good and bad sides and all the good and hard times. Love may reveal itself through a situation, or an opportunity, and the circumstances might never be perfect. The challenges of life will always exist, but true and divine love will always prevail.

Alex Cooper Is Engaged: Did She Betray Call Her Daddy?
Cooper, the number-one spokeswoman for fourth-wave feminism, has agreed to marriage. After years of celebrating decadence and debauchery, Cooper risked it all with this turncoat behavior. An accepted proposal to one man could be painted as a betrayal to millions of girls. If the company did not tread lightly, Cooper’s empire could be in trouble.

Modern Education Is Failing Young Women
Education is failing women because it doesn’t cater to their strengths or teach them about their unique abilities and attributes. Women require a different education than men because women have a different nature than men. We are programmed for motherhood and marriage, and there’s a special wisdom on each that must be imparted. We need to do better by our daughters and re-commit to feminine education.

This Earth Day, Put Down the Screens & Get Outside
This Earth Day, we hope you can put your phone down and enjoy the incredible gifts that the natural world has to offer us. By spending time in nature, we grow in our appreciation for God’s creation and our roles as stewards of the Earth.

Skinny Shaming
Many reasonable people can agree that Paltrow’s daily bone broth and vegetables combination is not particularly sustainable. But what’s more alarming than the star’s lack of self-awareness is the outrage that her personal health choices have sparked among the online mob. Where is the outrage for Lizzo who has a TV show dedicated to glorifying morbid obesity?
The Art of Networking
Networking is always in season. Whether you’re on the job hunt or settled into a role, never stop seeking opportunity. Every neighbor can be your teacher. Here are five top-line tips to improve your efforts.

The Valentine’s Day Guide for Him
Originated from the Christian tradition of the Feast of Saint Valentine, February 14th is dedicated to celebrating love. While Valentine’s Day has become commercialized — from sweetheart candies to cupid cutouts — it’s time to put the romance back into the holiday. To all the husbands and boyfriends, it’s time to plan for February 14th. Thankfully, TC has you covered for how to create the perfect Valentine’s Day for your loved one.
Sleep, Hydrate, Exfoliate
The post-grad transition can abruptly throw you into a less structured lifestyle. But there are simple changes that only require consistency you can take to become balanced, toned, and lean. Here are the three commitments I made to improve my skin, weight, and cognitive health.

How I Healed My PCOS
After eight years, three different pills, three gynecologists, and two endocrinologists, I am finally off the pill and have a relatively regular cycle with significantly reduced PCOS symptoms. I have not had a perfect, holistic journey during which I solved all my issues without medications. But hopefully, by sharing my experiences and tips, I can provide a realistic path for other women who are scared to quit the pill and embrace a more natural lifestyle.

Reviewing Louis Perry’s “Case Against the Sexual Revolution”
The message of Louise Perry’s new book “The Case Against The Sexual Revolution,” is that what women do, particularly with their bodies, is consequential- regardless of whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Eating copious amounts of junk food daily poses negative health problems. Having lots of unprotected sex with different partners has its own repercussions.
Chasing 2023: 10 Resolutions for the New Year
2022 had some low lows and high highs. Given the state of the country and culture, there’s many reasons to be pessimistic about the path forward. But individual people can have a waterfall effect. Even if the political system feels like a lost cause, most change begins at home. We should look eagerly to the next year with Frank Sinatra’s words in mind: “the best is yet to come.”

10 Things Every Young Woman Should Own
While short-sighted consumerism is at an all-time high, at the Conservateur we focus on longevity. We’ve narrowed down our top ten staple wardrobe items.

Lip Care Guide
While the holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, winter is not as wonderful for our complexion. As the temperatures drop and the snow falls, our summer bronze fades and we’re left with dry skin. Lips need tender love and care in the colder months to prevent them from chapping and cracking. But have no fear, TC’s lip guide will keep your pout hydrated and healthy.

The American Nightmare
Even with well-paying corporate careers, an entire sector of the population can no longer afford to live the American dream. The Biden administration has led the country down a path of extreme inflation, and the housing market is only one indicator of much larger issues happening within the American economy.
Book Review: 'Don't Be a Feminist,' by Bryan Caplan
Bryan Caplan is a professor at George Mason University and former Mercatus Center scholar. His recently published book, “Don’t Be A Feminist,” is filled with Carrie Bradshaw-esque short essays and blog posts that attempt to convince his daughter why she shouldn’t join this popular man-hating club.

Healthy Hair, Fabulous Life
Between cheering on the sidelines of the NFL to modeling at gigs in Dallas, I’ve had to put me and my hair through ultimate glam for many big events and jobs. My hair has been on a journey. Today, it’s the longest and healthiest it's ever been in my life. Here are five tips and tricks that changed my hair game.

#BidenBudget Beauty
Every girl has been there. Checking out at Sephora with only four items in the basket and the cashier rings up a total of $130. Despite the jaw-dropping prices, we’re fully under the spell of the beauty industry so we begrudgingly swipe our credit cards anyway. However, with rampant inflation, rents and mortgages on the rise, and gas prices still hovering around $4 per gallon, now is not the time to spend $35 on mascara. In Biden’s economy, we’re quitting department stores and heading to the drugstore.

Surviving Inflation on the #BidenBudget
It’s no secret that the country is feeling the squeeze of inflation at this point in 2022. If you’re like most of us, you’re probably wondering if it’s time to get on the #BidenBudget. Here are several tips for surviving the price hikes of the Biden administration.