Podcasts for Conservative Women

By Francesca Walton 


In 2021, podcasts are all the rage. Their popularity has soared in recent years, replacing the hype of cable television and traditional media with a new innovative medium. Podcasts intrigued me for a while, but I hesitated to try them. Friends doled out recommendations for their favorites and I half-heartedly took note. I preferred to stick to the familiarity of my morning routine, my pump up playlist for runs, and my default news and entertainment platforms. But eventually, I felt podcast FOMO. 

So after forcing myself to pop in my airpods and tune into podcasts while walking down the block to get coffee, I started to understand the obsession. This was not a mere attempt to remain relevant or keep up with the hot topic conversations. I realized that podcasts are an excellent source of insight on current events and lifestyle trends. There’s a podcast available covering every subject, from history to health to pop culture to career advice. However, a large share of the podcast market comes with liberal personas and slants. I have found that many progressive podcasts promote ideas, from hookup culture to extreme identity politics, that don’t exactly represent conservative women. In an effort to bridge the gap, I’m passing along my podcast recommendations for conservative women. Podcasts aren’t for everyone. Listening to someone’s voice in your ear can feel intrusive, but after a while, podcast hosts start to feel like friends.

Girlboss Radio Podcast with Sophia Amoruso 

For the ladies out there about to graduate from college, enter the working world, or start a business, this one’s for you! Or if you just want to listen to girl bosses explain how their empire came to be, give this one a shot. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been featured. Wisdom, lessons, honesty, and humor are guaranteed. 

The History Chicks 

For the history buffs or those interested in our country’s past, this podcast is sure to please. After enough listens, you’ll be able to casually drop some knowledge at a company cocktail party and impress everyone at the gathering. Referencing historical events and figures is a trademark for conservative women and an important attractive one at that.


Host CEO Jaclyn Johnson inspires you to build your brand, negotiate with your boss, and teaches you how to pitch your business ideas. She discusses the important topics for career-driven, ambitious women looking to make their mark on the world. 


The trifecta: Jac Vanek, Keltie Knight, and Becca Tobin unite for a tell-all on Hollywood. Celebrity guests are frequent, while the ladies sip mimosas. They’re hilarious and their personalities blend and bounce off each other well, giving listeners a very real sense of life. But, be forewarned, they do not hold back when it comes to sensitive topics. 

Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey 

If you are looking for a rundown on all things culture, news, politics, and even theology from a Christian conservative lady, look no further than Allie Beth Stuckey’s Relatable. Her commentary is a breath of fresh air. She analyzes important issues all the while keeping her audience engaged and entertained. This podcast is a guiding light in the conservative movement and through our tumultuous political climate. You will not be led astray: step up and speak out.

Photo via Prager U


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