Isabel Brown’s Frontlines

By The Editorial Board


Former White House Intern, Turning Point USA representative, and friend of The Conservateur, Isabel Brown has graced the conservative community with her latest endeavor, a book! Frontlines is a testimony of her experience as a conservative at Colorado State University. Each chapter more illuminating than the previous, the book unveils the leftist bias that pervades every corner and department of America’s colleges. From the hard sciences to the liberal arts, every classroom’s curriculum has seemingly undergone a radical revolution. Education and critical thinking have been supplanted by neo-marxism, atheism, identity politics, and anti-Americanism. Conservative students are subject to intimidation, ostracization, and penalty for challenging the liberal dogma they’re fed. Packed with revealing first hand accounts and anecdotes, Brown’s book is an incriminating exposé of academia’s devolution from a bastion of intellectual diversity to a progressive indoctrination camp. 

Of all the sections in the book, Brown’s narration of her college class trip to Cuba struck the deepest chord. It’s powerful enough to galvanize even the most tepid conservative reader into deep appreciation for and ardent defense of our American heritage. Once within the country’s borders, Isabel’s class followed a strictly scripted itinerary designed to hide the country’s true suffering under socialism. As her class was distracted and dazzled by artificial tourist stops and speeches about ‘equality' under the socialist system, Brown uncovered in Castro’s Cuba what her fellow students could not see. While her peers visited monuments commemorating Che Guevara and other government-designated landmarks, Brown ventured out to discover and interact with the real Cuba. In a crumbling, dilapidated church dating back to the revolution that ousted the Batista regime, Brown sat in pews among native Cubans and listened to their stories, hopes, and dreams for freedom and prosperity. When Brown told local Cubans her career aspirations to attend medical school and become a doctor, they reacted with utter amazement. Since the government mandated that physicians, lawyers, and restaurant workers be paid the same, these Cubans could never pursue such an opportunity if they still wanted to support their families. Each conversation Brown had with a Cuban ended with them reminding her of how lucky she was to be an American. Brown’s account is so descriptive and moving that it’s almost frustrating to visualize yourself on the same trip among so many indoctrinated students, blind to their own deep-seated American privilege. For the Cuba chapter, these snippets are the tip of the iceberg. If Brown’s book is to be remembered for anything, it should be the way it exposed socialism as an intoxicating lie.

Frontlines really puts the conservative fight into perspective. Every university aside from Hillsdale College and Grove City College is pumping the same leftist political propaganda into their student bodies. Academia has mutated into a breeding ground not for free speech and expression but for the next generation of socialists, radicals, and America-haters. The damage that colleges are inflicting cannot be understated. Isabel Brown’s book will confirm to all readers who believe in our founding promise and principles that academia is where America’s demise begins. It should be at the top of the reading list for all parents with conservative values considering sending their kids to higher education.

From all of us at TC, Congratulations Isabel!

via @theisabelbrown


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