How a TC Girl Networks

By Brytin Staab


In the business world, networking is the currency. From black tie galas to a round on the golf course to an exchange of business cards, networking is the casual but professional dance by which go-getters make their next career move. It’s important for women across all industrial sectors to practice, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Networking is an acquired skill that can sometimes feel like learning a new language. Fear not— TC is here to crack the code. 

In today’s technological world of social media and click bait, we get lost in the new trends, often forgetting that the classics are classic for a reason. No where is it more true than in the art of networking. The foolproof networking tricks to master are a firm handshake, using names, looking others in the eye, and writing thank you notes. These gestures display confidence and add a personal touch to your interactions that will make you stand out among the LinkedIn applicants and fancy resumes. 

It's a good networking strategy to connect with the recruiters and professionals in the firms you are interested in prior to applying for a position. Requesting informational interviews or just get-to-know-you conversations can increase how much your name circulates in the office and improve your candidacy in the hiring process. Connections are everything in any industry, especially as you get further along in your career, so it’s better to start building your professional network early.

If you do hop on the phone with a company representative, be creative and forward-looking with your questions. The best way to impress a recruiter is to show that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in growth and learning. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. What are some prerequisite skills to master for someone hoping to step into this role?

  2. What about this firm distinguishes it from competitors? Where do you see its future direction?

  3. What do some people find challenging about this role that they didn’t expect?

Master your small talk. Prepare a few introductory points that can get the ball rolling. If you find things in common with a professional, run with it! The most memorable candidates make networking feel like fun conversations and not work.

Lastly, dress the part! The business world is the most conservative when it comes to dress codes. There’s a reason that business professional and business casual are such well known attire standards. Stick with the tried and true blazer, blouse, and pants/skirt for business professional. Tailored hemlines, crisp shirts, and non-revealing pieces signal that you mean business and will allow you to highlight your unique talents and credentials first rather than physical appearance. 

While it may sound cliche, you should convey your authentic interests and skills while interviewing. In other words, be yourself. You won’t benefit if you conform to a rigid rubric for what an employee should be. If you want the career of your dreams, make sure the company is the best fit for you just as much as you’re the best fit for the company. Find a work environment that allows you to shine your brightest and hustle the hardest.

via Daily Mail


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