How to Excel at Your Job

By Olivia Jaber

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For all of us recent grads, moving onto your first big city job after college can seem daunting. Is this the path you want to take? Are you going to be good at it? Will your boss like you? From making friends to making an impression, there are endless doubts that might run through your mind. It is normal to feel nervous about this new chapter. Here are a few tips and tricks for women looking to excel at their jobs and take advantage of every opportunity afforded to them.  

First In, Last Out

Show up early and leave late. Depending on the nature and time intensity of your job, your schedule may vary. Whether you’re putting in overtime or have a regular 9-5, always show up early. Make sure you’re busy with something in the office, so when 5 pm approaches, you aren’t antsy to leave. A good habit to get into is to make a to-do list for tomorrow’s tasks. If it seems like your current project is coming to an end, touch base with your boss, so you always have something to work on. If your boss is busy, ask a coworker. It doesn’t go unnoticed when you exemplify a stellar work ethic. Remember, conservative girls love a challenge. We bite off more than we can chew and always end up excelling.

Pay Attention to Your Boss’s Style 

Being able to anticipate your boss’s needs and rise to his or her standards comes with time. To fast-track this process, pay attention to fine details and be willing to ask the right questions. Be perceptive. Take note of how your boss organizes their tasks and manages their time. What are their goals for the department? How can you efficiently and effectively help them achieve these goals by doing your job? Does your boss prioritize completeness or perfection? Do they prefer to check-in with staff or be hands-off? To be the best, always keep your head in the game.

Take Initiative and Ownership 

From smaller tasks to jobs that require immense responsibility, taking the initiative before you are asked to do something will be a game-changer for how you are perceived in the workplace. If you notice a particular system isn’t working well, try to fix it, employers love problem solvers. Present a plan to your boss or create an “SOP,” or “standard operating procedure,” that improves the system. Most importantly, take ownership if something goes wrong. Don’t be a paper pusher. Be an active participant in every role. Remember that constructive criticism is your friend. Develop a thick skin and remind yourself that it isn’t personal, make the necessary corrections, and move on. 

Wear Every Hat 

Earn your stripes. Don’t just show up to clock in and then clock out when the workday is over. They will give you more responsibility as you consistently prove you can handle it. Be an asset to everyone on your team or in your department. Most importantly, take the initiative when another department asks for help. When you’re first starting, no job is too menial. Every single role, no matter how unimportant it might seem, helps the bigger system function. Taking pride in whatever role you have or whatever task you’ve been assigned will show your boss that you care about the company and are willing to roll up your sleeves. A perk of wearing many different hats? You’ll get a feel for multiple departments. You’ll start to make connections and gain a better understanding of how you might like to grow within the company. Moreover, you’ll start to understand the inner workings of the whole business.

Always Bring Your “A” Game

A positive attitude might sound trite. If you’re just getting into your new routine, you’ll absolutely be tired and not yet used to the new work schedule. However tired you may feel, when month three comes around, you’ll be in the groove and feel unstoppable again. But it’s important, no matter how sleep-deprived or exhausted you are, that you always come to work with a positive attitude. This attitude will feed into the kind of work you are doing and will also be a bright light in the office. No one wants to work with a dull, barely awake personality. Do whatever it takes to get yourself there. Hint: a double espresso shot before 9 am, a cold shower, a pump-up playlist on your commute, or a morning exercise class should do the trick. 

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Don’t be scared to step outside of your box— embrace it, lean in. If you’re scared to ask a potential mentor out for lunch or for a quick coffee, make yourself do it every week until you’ve met one person from every single department. Make time in your breaks to pop into other departments and check-in with coworkers. 

Always Look the Part

Looking clean and presentable is key to excelling at your job— you never know who you’ll meet or where your day will take you. Taking pride and ownership in your appearance conveys that you care about yourself and more broadly, the work you’re doing. Wake up a little earlier, get your mind in the zone, and wear an outfit that will make you feel like your best self. No one ever complains about being overdressed at the office. If anything, you’ll set the bar.

Remember the “Combo to Kill”

When you’re working for a company you love and a mission you believe in, these little tricks will come naturally to you because you are invested. If you can make your skills and passion align, then you are really setting yourself up for success. Being good at your job and loving your job is an unstoppable combination. If you’re struggling, take note of how others are succeeding. You’ll be excited to wake up each morning and head into the office. More than that, though, you’ll be motivated to push yourself.

Photo via @alwaysivanka


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