Letter from a Californian Resident


By Candis Ross

Dear Swing State Voter,

My name is Candis and I’m a naturalized citizen who moved to California 29 years ago. Like you, I care a great deal about the future of this country, which is why I am writing to you. 

As a resident of a swing state, your vote is pivotal in this upcoming election. I hope my perspective can serve as a cautionary tale for where this country is potentially heading.

For decades, California symbolized the pinnacle of the American Dream, as it welcomed an array of industries, businesses, cultures, and millions of people from around the world. Sadly, things have changed in the Golden State, and I no longer recognize the place I first moved to.

The new reality of California, overwhelmed by an increasing homelessness crisis, filth, open drug possession, crime, failing schools, unaffordable housing, groceries, gas and more, is entirely thanks to our incompetent leadership, including Presidential candidate Kamala Harris. When Harris served as the District Attorney of San Francisco in 2004, she actively promoted San Francisco as a sanctuary city, then California as a sanctuary state. San Francisco and Los Angeles are being destroyed by the anti-accountability, soft-on-crime, stances of our Democratic leaders. Their 20 year history of irresponsible, liberal policies have wreaked havoc on our state. 

The cost of living has become untenable - crushingly high taxes, stifling regulations, rent control, negligence and corruption are destroying the state and driving businesses and families to relocate to areas with a more affordable cost of living. California is the canary in the coal mine for Kamala Harris’ dangerously liberal agenda.

We have a crisis of epic proportion at our border. In San Diego, around 600 unvetted migrants per day are entering illegally, jumping ahead of those trying to enter the right way - legally. Evading checkpoints under the cover of darkness, smuggling women, children and drugs, many then disperse across our country. Thousands of convicted murderers have been apprehended but then released onto our streets, creating a catastrophe for our nation. We have unprecedented numbers of fentanyl deaths and human trafficking and forced sex exploitation have become the latest form of slavery. Kamala Harris fascilitated this. One guards access to the things one cares about the most, so this says a lot about how we are valued right now. We have got to secure our borders in order to be a strong nation. 

Former President Donald Trump and Republicans strongly support America First policies, small businesses, middle-class families, and the well-being of American families of every creed and culture.

I implore you to ask yourself: Do you want California to become a reality for the rest of the country? We have become a single party state, controlled and run into the ground by Democrats. Which direction do we take as a nation: Kamala Harris and the way of her failed progressive policies, or, Donald Trump and the restoration of the American Dream? Before it’s too late, let’s get back to common sense and the principles America was founded on. We need sane and orderly immigration policies, safe neighborhoods and schools, we need to keep males out of female sports, and we need to allow children to be children, not indoctrinate, mutilate or sexualize them. We need to end these endless wars and get back to a world that’s relatively at peace again. We need to end this two-tier justice system and restore equal rights - no more special rights if you’re connected with the right group. It's time we hold Harris and Democrats accountable for their broken promises and lies.

We need a strong leader back in the White House, one who’s not afraid to lead, which is why I’ll be casting my vote for Donald Trump and Republicans this November, to make America great again. I hope you consider joining me.

Thank you for your time.


Candis Ross

Alamo, California


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