Crossing the Aisle: When Liberals Become Trumpers


By Dawn Sturmon

via @houseinhabit

In the messy, ever-shifting world of American politics, just when you think you’ve neatly pegged everyone into red or blue boxes, someone throws a curveball. Enter the Democrats-turned-Trump-supporters— former liberal darlings now boldly wearing MAGA red. This isn’t just a blip; it’s a full-blown realignment. From Tulsi Gabbard to Elon Musk and many others, the roster of political heavyweights making this leap grows longer by the day, shaking up party loyalties and blurring the lines we thought we knew.

Let’s start with Tulsi Gabbard, whose move from Democratic presidential candidate to MAGA champion feels like a rebellious coming-of-age. Once a progressive anti-war voice, Gabbard’s military background and outspoken independence set her apart. As the Democratic Party veered further left, she found herself increasingly at odds with the identity politics, censorship, and big government solutions dominating the agenda. By 2022, she was ready to make the leap, fiercely criticizing the Democratic establishment as “elitist and authoritarian.” Now aligned with Trump’s America First values— free speech, individual liberties, and a strong national defense— Tulsi’s departure wasn’t just inevitable; it was a full-throated rejection of a party she believes lost its way. In Trump, Gabbard sees a fellow disruptor willing to challenge the entrenched political class, making her shift not just political, but deeply personal.

While Tulsi’s transformation was notable, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s transition to MAGA is even more striking, especially considering the weight of his family name. The Kennedys, long regarded as America’s liberal royalty, likely never imagined one of their own would embrace a movement rooted in populism and resistance to establishment politics. Yet, here we are. Known for his environmental activism and fierce criticism of Big Pharma, RFK Jr. has emerged as a vocal advocate for views that align closely with Trump’s— ranging from skepticism of government agencies to a mistrust of the mainstream media. His stance resonates deeply with the newly coined Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement, emphasizing personal health autonomy and a rejection of corporate influences in healthcare. For Kennedy, MAGA signifies a reclamation of power for everyday citizens, with Trump as the only leader bold enough to champion that cause.

“The conversation between Kennedy and Gabbard was moderated by Jessica Reed Kraus, a Substack writer who writes about the presidential race on her @houseinhabit social media accounts. She referred to the trio onstage as ‘three of your favorite disillusioned Democrats.’ All three discussed the paths they took from being Democrats to eventually supporting Trump.”— AZ Central

This shift isn’t merely ideological; it’s a personal crusade against institutions that RFK Jr. believes have failed the American people. However, this realignment hasn’t come without consequences. His marriage to actress Cheryl Hines has reportedly felt tension, as she is staunchly anti-Trump, creating a dynamic where politics and personal life collide in a very public way. Despite these challenges, RFK Jr. remains unwavering in his commitment to the principles he now shares with the MAGA movement.

Then there’s Elon Musk, the tech billionaire who treats political upheaval like it’s just another Tesla model launch. Once the darling of Silicon Valley, Musk championed green energy and electric cars, disrupting traditional industries in the name of progress. But things took a sharp turn when he began voicing his disillusionment with the Democratic Party, declaring they’d “gone too far left.” Soon, he was tweeting— sorry, X-ing— his support for Republicans and throwing his weight behind Trump’s platform, even saying he’s “all in with Trump.”

At a recent rally in Butler, PA, Musk leaned into his new political persona, embracing “dark MAGA” as he dressed in all black. His migration is like watching your eco-enthusiast science teacher abandon the “Save the Earth” club for a tax-cutting debate team— unexpected, but somehow fitting. But beneath the theatrics, there’s a pragmatic reason for Musk’s shift. As a businessman who built empires on innovation and breaking into new frontiers, Musk sees in Trump a fellow mogul with the right instincts to run America like a successful enterprise. Both men value efficiency, deal-making, and the pursuit of American greatness, and Musk recognizes that Trump’s approach to leadership aligns with his own vision for economic freedom and innovation. With Elon, you never know what’s coming next, but for now, he’s firmly on board the Trump train.

Jessica Reed Kraus rounds out the list of unexpected MAGA supporters. Known for her incisive commentary on Hollywood and the culture wars, Kraus made waves by shifting from liberal-leaning circles to the Trump camp. Her popular Substack, once focused on pop culture analysis, has evolved into a hub for readers interested in her deep dives into free speech, cancel culture, and critiques of the “elitist Left.”

What makes Kraus’s switch captivating is its public— and personal— nature. You could almost feel her wrestle with the decision as she weighed her liberal roots against her growing alignment with Trump’s anti-establishment wave. Now, it’s clear: Kraus is all in on MAGA. Her change wasn’t just about political views; it was a reaction to what she sees as a betrayal of old-school liberal values. Like Gabbard and RFK Jr., Kraus admires Trump’s willingness to challenge the status quo and push back against the Left’s elitism and squashing of open discourse— no matter the cost.

It’s fascinating to witness this political migration unfold. These aren’t fringe figures; they’re heavyweights with deep roots in Democratic ideology. From RFK Jr.’s legendary family lineage to Elon Musk’s Silicon Valley origins, these names were once synonymous with liberal causes. Yet, here they are, fully embracing the MAGA movement. What’s going on? Perhaps it’s less about Republican versus Democrat and more about a repudiation of a uniparty that neglects the constituents it claims to serve. Self-aggrandizers on both sides of the aisle are making more independent-minded Americans feel politically homeless. 

Or maybe it’s the sheer polarization of our times— where the center feels increasingly elusive, and leaning into one extreme seems like the only remaining option. 

This realignment reflects the broader divide in American politics, where many former Democrats find themselves more aligned with conservative values — personal responsibility, limited government, and a firm stance against the overreach of political correctness. For those who have embraced MAGA, Trump is not just a leader; he’s a symbol of resistance against the forces that threaten American greatness.

Ultimately, this shift is about more than policy— it’s about principle. For figures like Tulsi, RFK Jr., Elon, and Jessica Reed Kraus, joining MAGA isn’t just a political choice— it’s a stand for freedom, integrity, and putting America first. 


A freelance writer, Dawn has crisscrossed the country in a unique path—from holding cue cards on Saturday Night Live to working on Super Bowl commercials. A lover of truth, interior design, french fries, and fashion, you can find her dressed in a hoodie or for the Met Gala—there’s no in-between.


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