Believe All Women?

By the Editorial Board


The confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh represented a pivotal point in the #MeToo movement. #MeToo initially served women who were silenced, empowering them to expose predators and men who abused their power for sex. However, the #MeToo movement unraveled in the Kavanaugh hearing, transforming from a movement focused on justice, to a movement that ignored due process. Now #MeToo resembles the rest of our political landscape— divided, tribal, and controversial. After almost two years of the Left’s crusade against Justice Kavanaugh, they have fallen silent in the wake of their own presidential nominee’s accusation. Joe Biden was accused of sexually assaulting a staffer in 1993, and the same media that panned Justice Kavanaugh as a sexual predator, are silencing the story.

Where are the protesters who swarmed Capitol Hill during Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation? Where are the celebrities who relentlessly attacked Justice Kavanaugh’s character? Where are the media, Hollywood, and the social justice warriors who asserted that Kavanaugh was unfit for his supreme court seat because of the allegations? The political double standard is glaring. This only reinforces what women on the Right have known all along— the Democratic Party only cares about survivors that serve their political narrative. Both Justice Kavanaugh and Joe Biden were accused of sexual assault. However, Kavanaugh received a beating in the media and a televised week-long trial in the court of public opinion that led to mass hysteria across the country. Biden received silence. The only difference between Kavanaugh and Biden is that Kavanaugh stood against the Left’s agenda, and Biden reinforces it.

As Democrats turn a blind eye to Tara Reade, one thing has become quite clear— the Left was never interested in finding the truth because the truth has no political affiliation. Christine Blasey Ford had the opportunity to share her story in front of the United States Senate, televised for the world. The media and Democrats insisted that we needed to find the truth, and Republicans agreed to investigate her claims thoroughly. However, Tara Reade has not been invited to share her story on any cable news network (except for Fox News), and her claims have been left untouched and uninvestigated. Reade’s story can only be heard on Megyn Kelly’s YouTube channel— where the former Fox News anchor hosted Reade on the The MK Interview. CNN, NBC, ABC, and other networks seemingly have no interest in interviewing Reade or reporting on her accusations.

The few press members that bring light to Tara Reade’s allegations have seemingly developed a completely new outlook on sexual assault allegations. New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg vehemently argued against Kavanaugh’s appointment. Her article “Pigs All the Way Down” postulates the Kavanaugh hearing as just another example of the “rotten foundations of elite male power.” But, where’s that rotten foundation now? According to Goldberg, in her new article “What to Do With Tara Reade’s Allegation Against Joe Biden?” the accusations Biden faces are being used to “troll the #MeToo movement.” It’s almost as if the accusations could, in fact, be politically motivated, and therefore need to be corroborated to ensure Biden receives a fair trial. The logic seems eerily similar to the “sexist” and “corrupted” due process the Republicans demanded for Kavanaugh.

Alyssa Milano famously led the crusade against Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation from her ubiquitous social media attacks, news appearances, resistance demonstrations, and presence at the trial. Milano attacked Kavanaugh on the merits of “believe all women” and holding powerful men accountable. However, the same cannot be said about Biden’s accuser, as Milano tweeted her adamant support and endorsement for Biden. “There is something to the idea that people are going to weaponize #metoo for political gain.” and “#believewomen is about changing the societal norms of our default being not believing women. But not at the expense of a fair due process for those being accused.” It’s almost as if Alyssa Milano is acknowledging the importance of due process, something she never advocated for throughout the Kavanaugh hearings.

If the Left truly cared about promoting women’s rights and standing up for survivors, Biden’s accusations should garner the same outcry as Kavanaugh’s. It has not, and it never will, because the allegations against Biden are an inconvenient truth. A truth that highlights the #MeToo movement as a political weapon rather than an actual movement. The absurd irony of Alyssa Milano and the Left claiming #MeToo is being weaponized is the pot calling the kettle black. #MeToo has already been weaponized, and to some extent, delegitimized. If the Left really cared for survivors, Tara Reade’s story would be uplifted and a full investigation of Biden underway. Instead, Reade has been silenced and shamed. The Left continues to campaign as fighting for “women’s rights” but are they? Or are they using women for political expediency?

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