Don’t Settle for This Guy…

By Jayme Chandler


Strong women don’t settle! It’s way better to be single and independent than in a relationship with a guy who doesn’t deserve you. There are so many amazing men out there, and patience is your virtue. Being young is about getting out there and dating and figuring out what you’re looking for in a guy. Every relationship is a learning experience! You will find “Mr. Right” eventually, but let the weeding process play out naturally. However, for any girl entering the dating scene, it can be overwhelming, but we are here to help. Here is a foolproof list of red flags to watch out for on your first date...

He says he’s a “feminist”

The “feminist” guy is compensating. It doesn’t matter how many women’s marches he claims to have attended, actions always speak louder than words. If he respects women, he doesn’t need to tell you!

He pressures you to have sex

If a guy is really into you, he’ll wait until you’re ready. He will understand your values and will view your relationship as more than sex. Making a guy wait is the best tell-tale sign if he is in it for the long-haul. 

He lacks chivalry

Call me “old-fashioned,” but if he doesn’t pay on your first date, open doors for you, or give you his jacket when you’re cold— he doesn’t deserve you. Many say chivalry is outdated, but I disagree. Chivalry shows he was raised right and wants to put his best foot forward with you.

He says he’s not looking for anything serious

It has become all too common that guys insist they like you, but they are just not in the “right place” to commit. That’s just code for they want to sleep with you, but not have to do the rest of the boyfriend gig!

His glass is always half-empty

Nothing is worse than someone who has a problem with everything. Surround yourself with positivity! You deserve the guy who approaches life with excitement and seizes its opportunities. Not the guy who talks about how hard life is, or complains about “the system”— you know exactly what I’m talking about!

Always remember, if you expect excellence from a man, expect excellence from yourself, dating is a two-way street. Hold yourself to the same standards you hold your potential partner! Most of all, remember guys are accessories, not the full outfit.


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