
Anywhere but the Border
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Anywhere but the Border

As the newly elected Biden halted construction on the border wall, postponed deportations, and signaled that the U.S. would welcome thousands more refugees, the message was heard loud and clear throughout Central America.

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Anti-Semitism: The Reason for Israel
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Anti-Semitism: The Reason for Israel

There is an undeniable lack of defense for the Jews, and it is unjustifiable. If the Left is going to peddle its brand of identity-obsessed politics, it should start with a group that has been persecuted for two millennia and faced the mechanical annihilation of its people less than 80 years ago.

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The Hadids, Hamas, and Hypocrisy
The Editors The Editors

The Hadids, Hamas, and Hypocrisy

With Hollywood harlequins spreading hateful and factually incorrect messages, the truth remains underground to millions of impressionable viewers. Israel promotes women's rights, equality for the LGBT community, and peace- not Palestine. It's time to acknowledge it.

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The Vaccine Passport Is a Slippery Slope
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

The Vaccine Passport Is a Slippery Slope

Nearly a year ago, COVID skeptics were scolded that the pandemic could never be exploited for political purposes. But as Florida and Texas reopen their doors without compromising their economies or public health while New York demands people present tickets to rejoin society, it’s difficult to claim that the virus is still apolitical.

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Rags to Rags in Three Generations
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Rags to Rags in Three Generations

The first generation builds a business. The second-generation contributes to the company and continues its charter. But when the company is bequeathed to the third generation, the messaging and mission gets lost.

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What Michelle Obama Taught Me about Voting Conservative
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

What Michelle Obama Taught Me about Voting Conservative

Michelle Obama likes to be known as a symbol of feminism that transcends partisanship. But after Donald Trump stunned the Left with his 2016 victory, Michelle Obama had this to say at a marketing conference in Boston:

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Protect Women’s Sports
Conservative Women Isabelle Redfield Conservative Women Isabelle Redfield

Protect Women’s Sports

If the question of equality and equity for trans athletes is to be asked, so too should the question of equality and equity for female athletes competing against them. Is it fair that women lose scholarships to competitors with a biological advantage?

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Keep Texas Red
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Keep Texas Red

Californians having been leaving in droves to escape invasive taxation, rolling blackouts, rampant crime and homelessness, drug-infested cities, and COVID-19 business restrictions that closed shop doors and evaporated livelihoods.

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Where is the Media Now?
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Where is the Media Now?

As of Sunday, a total of five women have accused Democratic New York Governor and COVID-19 response ‘hero’ Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Yet, the difference in press coverage between Justice Kavanaugh and Governor Cuomo could not be more stark.

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Why I Left the Left
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Why I Left the Left

What did these red voters know that I didn’t, and how could so many people disagree with my deeply-held beliefs? Maybe I’m missing something, I thought. So I started examining the arguments on the Right of the political spectrum.

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Woka Cola
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Woka Cola

In the pursuit of destroying stereotypes and microaggressions in the workplace, Coca-Cola generalized an entire group of its employees on the basis of their skin pigmentation with presumed guilt.

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Biden and the UN Human Rights Council
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Biden and the UN Human Rights Council

The Biden Administration reentering the United States into the HRC sends the opposite message— that our nation is morally corrupt and tone deaf to real human rights crimes around the world.

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Open Our Schools
Isabelle Redfield Isabelle Redfield

Open Our Schools

As a society we have continuously praised the dedication and sacrifices of our essential workers, and there are few industries that we can reasonably consider more essential than education. Yet we have allowed teachers unions to take advantage of a crisis to better themselves while neglecting those they claim to serve.

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Remembering Rush
Jayme Chandler Jayme Chandler

Remembering Rush

Rush Limbaugh was a giant. He defended conservatism with an unyielding zeal and resolve, uplifted and inspired forgotten Americans, defied the odds of his industry, and good-naturedly triumphed over his enemies.

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