To the Conservateur Community

By the Editorial Board


To The Conservateur Community,

We understand that yesterday was a difficult day for all Americans, especially conservatives. Yesterday’s act of insurrection was terrifying, upsetting, and inexcusable. We unequivocally condemn rioting and political violence. The people who used a peaceful march raising awareness for election integrity to stoke chaos undermined the movement and infringed on the Constitutional obligation to verify election results. We are angered, disappointed, and disgusted by the political violence that transpired yesterday. 

However, we cannot state clearly enough that those who rioted do not reflect conservatives across this country who are dismayed and disillusioned by this chaotic election cycle. Mob rule is not a conservative value. The rule of law is central to our political philosophy. Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours, we have seen the media, pundits, and the Democratic Party alike capitalize on yesterday's insurrection for political expediency to shame the 74 million people who voted for the President. We do not support what happened yesterday, and just as we did not over the summer, we have zero tolerance for any sort of violence, politically motivated or not.

We founded The Conservateur to serve conservative women who feel abandoned and unrepresented by the mainstream media and culture. We are now more committed to our mission than ever before. We understand your frustration about the brazen and negligent media coverage surrounding the Trump agenda and Presidency. We understand your concern for an election that resulted in the Democratic Party’s sweep of our federal government. We understand your anger towards a culture that is hypocritical and unyielding. We are here to support you and inspire you through these challenging times. 

We are writing to you today to encourage you to be strong and stay true to what you believe. You can condemn yesterday’s riot, but you do not have to apologize for being a conservative or for supporting the President in this election. Republicans across the board, from the President to Congress, condemned the riots this summer and condemned the riot yesterday. Conservatives have stayed consistent through the year, and we are proud of that. Don’t let others shame you for your beliefs.

Looking forward to the reality of a Biden presidency and a Democratic majority in both houses, we realize the circumstance of our existence has irrefutably changed. We are no longer the defenders of policy, but a resistance demanding change. As easy as it would be to treat the Left and the leftist media as they have treated us for four years, we will take the higher road. We will be fair in our analysis and call balls and strikes as we see them. We are not going to recklessly tear down the Biden Presidency, and we wish President-elect Biden all the best. This is not to say we will not be critical of his policies or heavy-handed in our criticism when due— we will, and we will not apologize.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans, even in times of civil disagreement. We will focus on cultivating positivity, love, and faith in our country while fighting for conservative ideals and preserving traditional American values. This country is too great and too strong to be ripped apart by partisan politics and hatred towards our fellow citizens.

We’re just as shocked, disappointed, and saddened by the culmination of events over the last year, but we are not disheartened. In fact, we feel emboldened, we feel stronger, and we are more committed than ever to delivering hard-hitting, exciting content for you, our readers. We can’t thank you enough for your followers, readership, and community, and we look forward to continuing to build on our community and brand.

Regardless of what the Left throws our way these next four years, we can assure you that as a publication and as a community, TC will be here for conservatives, and all women, every step of the way. Thank you, and God bless The United States of America.

With love,

The Editorial Board


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