The Conservative Girl’s Guide to Surviving Cancellation

By Jayme Chandler


Cancellation is an all too familiar reality for conservatives. The mob goes after anyone who dares to speak against the progressive orthodoxy. Unfortunately, cancel culture, which has plagued our country for years, has seemingly taken on a new face in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, leaving anyone who opposes Marxism, vulnerable to cancellation. From Ellen to Goya, anyone accused of failing the Left’s purity test is subject to swift cancellation. Whether you’re a Trump Supporter or a moderate Democrat, if you speak out against the far-Left, be prepared to face social suicide. It’s not about making the world a better place, it’s about making the world a more like-minded place.

In harsh times like these, offense, in many cases, is our best defense. For many conservative girls, navigating social media, college campuses, and the workplace feels like walking across a minefield. In a bid to be left alone and in an effort to protect jobs and keep friends, conservatives keep their heads down and their opinions to themselves. However, in this new age of people “hunting” down conservative friends and public cancellations, some conservatives have either willingly or unwillingly come out of the conservative closet. As someone who has been gossiped about, lost close friends, and viciously attacked online, I know a thing or two about being #canceled. While each experience is obviously different, coming out of the conservative closet is always a baptism by fire. I wanted to share my best “survival” tips for coming out stronger than ever before!

Don’t apologize

Never, ever, ever apologize for your beliefs. If whatever comment or opinion you’re being canceled for reflects your authentic beliefs, do not bow to the mob. Stay firm and weather the storm. It’s never worth pretending to be someone else to please the mob— trust me they won’t spare you anyways! If you refuse to apologize, the mob will get bored, and eventually move on to a weaker person. With that being said, if what you said was accidental, not reflective of your character, or taken out of context, sincere apologies are always on the table. However, never apologize out of fear or convenience for who you are.

Remember who your real friends are

The hardest part of cancellation is the friends you will inevitably lose. People will betray you, you’ll lose followers, and some friends may never speak to you again. While some may reach out to you in private, few, if any of your friends will publicly support you. The whole ordeal can feel very isolating, but if there’s anything you’ll learn, it’s who your real friends are. Do not try to win back friends who turned their backs on you, they do not deserve your friendship. Remember the people in your life who stuck by you and supported you, because they are your real friends at the end of the day. I always say, “I rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.”

Ignore the comment section

What makes getting canceled so terrifying is that it is simultaneously personal and impersonal. We carry our phones everywhere, so we are always notified when we’re attacked on social media, and thus we’re always vulnerable to hate. Social media has made hate more public than ever before, as cyberbullies will cowardly attack you online behind the safety of a fake username and a computer screen. It’s pitiful, shameful, and despicable, but the trolls have no dignity. My biggest piece of advice and the advice I received from other conservatives is to turn off notifications and stay out of the comment section. Don’t give the haters an ounce of your energy, or a minute out of your day. If someone is engaging in meaningful discussion, feel free to chat. But ignore the self-righteous hate, your time is best served elsewhere. I mean, conservative women are busy girls, we do have jobs, chances are the Leftist haters don’t!

Confide in those you trust

Be prepared for a million opinions from a million different people. While it is important to take advice, too many opinions can become overwhelming, confusing, and misleading. Pick three to four people (parents, siblings, significant others, or friends) who you trust most, and take their opinions to heart. Have the people you trust most help you make the best decisions. People who love you and care about you will always inspire you to stay true to yourself. Plus, a little support can go a long way!

Stay strong

The haters only win if you let them! The Left controls culture and social media, and polices our thoughts because we’ve let them. Understandably so, most conservatives don’t speak out, and other conservatives cave when facing cancellation. You beat the mob by staying happy, keeping positive, and staying true to yourself. Happiness is the best revenge, because, at the end of the day, the mob is a group of miserable people looking to spread their vitriol because they have nothing better to do. You know what they say, “misery loves company.” Don’t let the hate get to you, stay strong, and keep being you. Let the hate fuel your fire and show the haters you’re not going anywhere!

Be proud

Anyone who has ever achieved anything, hasn’t done so by playing it safe and caring about what other people think. If the mob is coming after you, it’s because they see you as a threat, otherwise, they wouldn’t spend their time attacking you. Be proud that you are thinking for yourself, being an individual, doing something different, and not buying into the mob mentality. The mob hates confident, bold, and beautiful women who go against the grain.

Finally, never forget, the women at The Conservateur have your back. We’re always here to support and empower conservative women. Never be afraid to reach out, we love expanding our community of positive, free-thinking, and patriotic women!

Photo via Pinterest


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