Party of Life


By Jordan Musser

RFK Party of Life Conservateur Pro Life 2024

It sounds like a dystopia of fantasy fiction. If you read it in a novel, it would be too on-the-nose to make for good storytelling. The 2024 Democratic National Convention featured a Planned Parenthood mobile services unit off the premises providing free vasectomies, medical abortions, and emergency contraception. 

Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Great Rivers in Illinois Dr. Colleen McNicholas said she was “really just excited” about the remote facility performing such destructive procedures on attendees from out of town. 

At the DNC, there was indeed “joy” over the prospect of enshrining greater access to abortion. Some attendees wore a gold lapel pin that read “ABORTION.” The center of the “O” in the word was stamped out in the shape of a heart. One can assume this was to convey their delight in supporting the atrocity. Or perhaps it was a nod to the heartbeat of the fetuses they’d be extinguishing. Either way, it’s grotesque. 

Pro-abortion groups celebrate monstrosity with no subtlety. They are myopically focused on abortion, on how often and how easily we should be able to take human life. They had a chokehold on the DNC. Several featured speakers were women who couldn’t obtain abortions because of laws in their home states. Several Democratic leaders featured abortion access heavily in their speeches. Alexis McGill Johnson, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, took the stage and spoke openly about a woman from Georgia who was “pregnant and didn't want to be.” She said we need to “trust women because they know what is best for their lives” and urged for cheering fans that they must fight for abortions no matter what, not just in emergency situations. 

The Left is unabashed about their intention to make abortions exceedingly common. Their extremism aside, the United States is suffering a Democratic-created border crisis and financially sinking thanks to Bidenomics. Yet, the Left continues to exploit people’s emotions on abortion to divide the country. Progressives have bellowed about an issue that applies almost exclusively to their most sexually irresponsible. The vast majority of Americans are feeling the effects of rampant inflation and a declining quality of life, yet the Left insists that the biggest issue is abortion. Young women voters are being conditioned to be one-issue voters on abortion. Never mind issues that pertain to building a better United States for future generations. 

In the midst of the DNC debauchery, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his bid for president and backed Donald Trump. RJK Jr. originally ran as an independent and gained popularity from potential voters on both sides of the aisle because of his no-nonsense politics. Ultimately, RFK Jr. said it was the desire to create a stronger country for our children that convicted him to back Trump and ask his supporters to do the same. 

One of the major ways in which the unity of Trump and Kennedy benefits conservatives is in the protection of children. During his speech announcing his endorsement, Kennedy spoke often of our need as a country to protect the vulnerable. His main political and personal crusade, even before he threw his name into the 2024 ring, was to tackle childhood disease. We are a nation of some of the most chronically ill children in the world, and RFK Jr. is committed to identifying the root cause and stopping it. There is no successful future without healthy children, and he has risked personal and professional ridicule on his quest to find a way to make our nation healthy again. It’s a future-focused platform that many conservatives are happy to get behind. 

While Kennedy isn’t as staunchly pro-life as his conservative cohort might like him to be, he acknowledges the sanctity of life and advocates for women to be supported in pregnancy and childrearing. He understands abundant abortions are symptomatic of a sick society, unlike the Left, which considers rampant abortion a sign of social progress. RFK Jr.’s platform on our country’s most wedge-driving issue is that a society that supports women with unwanted pregnancies will likely mean less abortions, and that is a goal to strive for. 

In his late August speech announcing his removal from the ballot in swing states, RFK Jr. said, “Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other.” 

The juxtaposition of his speech emphasizing  care for our nation’s children with the DNC’s abortion fest is striking. While the Democratic party sees a successful future as one in which women can enjoy sexual freedom without consequences, the new Trump-RFK Jr. wants to restore the health of the country, which includes helping mothers as they bring new life into the world.

Trump and RFK Jr. don’t agree on everything. They differ greatly on the environment, and RFK Jr. takes a much firmer stance on vaccinations, among other differing opinions. Their alliance won’t mean they blindly accept each other’s firmly solidified politics. The unification still allows for “us to disagree publicly and privately,” RFK Jr. said. 

However, it’s “worthwhile if there's even a small chance of saving these kids,” he said. 

The 2024 choice is between a party and person that revel in consolidating power and expanding abortion and a party and person that want to make America and its children protected, healthy, and thriving. 


Jordan Musser is a wife and mom living in Pennsylvania. She’s a former USAF Security Forces officer and now enjoys writing, lifting weights, and homeschooling her children.


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