Kamala Harris Wears Many Hats and Integrity Isn’t One

By Anabella


Known for her fierce questioning of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, her notable accusations of Joe Biden during the primaries, and a flip-floppy agenda, Kamala Harris can be difficult to define. The Biden campaign has done its best to repaint its VP choice as a noble prosecutor, beloved by the Left for her progressivism and the right for her pragmatism. Kamala (and Biden) have benefited from a media with selective memory and blatant ignorance of her problematic past. Kamala Harris’ career is rife with corruption, her policies and direct action led to the incarceration of innocent black men for political gain, and her political shape-shiftery paint her for what she is: a political opportunist.

As the district attorney of San Francisco and the attorney general of California, Harris participated in acts that not only put innocent people in prison but kept prisoners locked up beyond their sentences. On several occasions, Harris upheld wrongful convictions, even in cases when she was aware that evidence had been tampered with or witnesses were dishonest. Several men are currently serving decade long sentences due to her disingenuous practices. As DA, Harris disposed of a case that her predecessor worked on to expose clergy members of the Catholic church for sexual assault. Though Harris evidently sees the Catholic Church and jurists of faith as a potential issue, as evidenced by her recent cross-examination of Amy Comey Barrett, and her fiery exchange with Justice Kavanaugh, she had problems taking political donations. After her disposition of the case against the church, Harris received funding from several law firms, who, ironically, had represented the church and some of the accused participants. 

Perhaps the hardest pill to swallow, however, is the hypocrisy of her positioning as a woman of color on a pro-black agenda when compared to her record as a prosecutor. Black Americans suffered the most under Harris’ leadership as a prosecutor. Harris’ crackdown on nonviolent crimes like marijuana possession and truancy disproportionately targeted minority populations, contradicting her and the Democratic Party’s claims that they speak and care for the interests of minorities. The Democratic Party constantly pretends that it champions black America. But their neglect for these communities once the elections have passed paint a very different and more sinister picture.

In Democratic-run cities, progressive policies like welfare programs have consistently hurt black populations on several fronts, incentivizing father abandonment, the breakdown of the nuclear family unit, and the degradation of inner cities. Democratic politicians take advantage of underserved minority communities and depend on them for their votes, using them as pawns in a game of political chess. Harris is no different. As someone who historically exploited black communities for political gain, she has no right to pretend that eliminating racial injustice lies at the top of her agenda. Harris power-grabs for connection with the black community, priding herself on the fact that she is a black woman while hiding her nefarious record. 

Her flip-flopping nature on issues pertaining to her election shows her true colors as an opportunist. She continually contradicts herself as she tries desperately to appeal to voters. During the vice-presidential debate, we saw first hand how conniving Harris is, simultaneously positioning herself as a moderate and a progressive. Before the debate, Harris supported banning fracking. Yet, she quickly switched her position when on stage, stating that a Biden-Harris administration would not prohibit fracking on U.S. soil. Once a proponent of eradicating private health insurance, she now claims to be in favor of people keeping their existing plans, probably after learning that it was more politically palatable. Ironically, the same woman whose policies incarcerated people for nonviolent marijuana possession now calls for its legalization. Even more laughable now is how she attacked Joe Biden, her current running mate, on the early campaign trail, heavily implying that he is a racist and admits that she believed sexual assault allegations against him. Yet, Harris conveniently forgot about these two accusations of misogyny and racism when Biden invited her onto the Democratic ticket. One of the two is true. Either Kamala didn’t actually believe these attacks on Biden, and she peddled them, knowing they were false to advance her own political agenda. Or, she doesn’t care about these issues enough (issues that are central to her political identity: her race and gender) to stand up for them when called to do so. Kamala Harris lacks integrity and compassion and uses Joe Biden as a vessel to get what she was denied in the primaries: a shot at the Presidency.

Kamala Harris is not the moderate, honest, and sympathetic candidate the media portrays her to be. Her blatant record of corruption, her abuse of power, and selling out to win political points neither create a strong candidate for Vice President nor are they traits that we want the possible face of our nation to embody. I’d venture to say that she is everything we should avoid when choosing who ought to represent us. Because Harris changes her opinions so frequently, it is impossible for American voters to understand her stance on pivotal issues. She changes her opinion with the tide of the Democratic Party, which keeps inching farther left. She is the epitome of a swamp-dwelling career politician— she spews contradictory opinions and statements all to secure re-election in the next cycle. How can we be expected to support Kamala Harris when her whole political platform has swayed with the leftist tide as it suits her political aspirations?

Photo via Politico


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