Breaking News: Liberals Are Still Angry

By Brittany


It is no secret that many liberal Americans hold immense and open hostility for conservatives. Anyone who uses Instagram or Twitter will notice the Left’s tokenism, virtue signaling, and militant activism. From canceling celebrities who didn’t openly endorse Biden to bullying their virtual peers into posting black squares in solidarity with BLM (fully aware that these efforts will never make a tangible impact on race relations), the Left is a political omnipresence online. Since Biden was declared the “President-Elect” by the media, the Left has called to bring decency back to America, after ostracizing Trump supporters for their political convictions for four years. The party of “tolerance” shames others for failing to meet their social justice standards, expends desperate energy to earn the coveted stamp of “woke,” and takes to the streets to incite violence against their political foes. The Left’s wokeism is self-serving, not self-less. Their superficial gestures share a false moral superiority and blatant hypocrisy. Wokeism and conservative-intolerance will not bring this country together- it will only continue to pull it apart.

Since the election, the hate against conservatives has only intensified. Each angry tweet seems more shocking and ironic than the last. The aggressive comments often originate with leaders within the Democratic party, dispelling the myth that Democrats are the picture of political professionalism. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for instance, took to Twitter a couple weeks ago to promote a list of Trump administration staffers and supporters to blacklist from future career prospects. The Democrats pretend to love tolerance and acceptance, but targeting political adversaries with reductionist epithets is unique to their party. The Left has made a mockery of the term “liberal.” Disagreement with the Left’s narrative sees its activists resort to labeling dissenters as “homophobes,” “racists,” or “bigots.” While the media loves to paint the Right as the source of political division, the Left has its hands deep in the mix as well.  

The Left’s narrow conception of “tolerance” is especially stark in the light of the 2020 election. Instead of acknowledging the legitimate reasons why 73 million Americans supported President Trump’s re-election, the Left instead peddles the narrative that half of the country is racist and ignorant. Apart from the media coverage that echoed the same mistakes as the Left’s 2016 explanation, that narrative falls apart, considering the dramatic shift in minority voting patterns towards the GOP. President Trump received a historic portion of the black and Hispanic vote. Rather than attempt to explain why President Trump attracted a large share of the Hispanic bloc, CNN claimed that they [Hispanic voters] only voted for Trump because of a “disinformation campaign.” Not only does CNN’s explanation unfairly treat Hispanics as a voting monolith, it makes the racist assumption that they were incapable of deciphering disinformation themselves. Instead of examining the religious, socioeconomic, and cultural factors that could lead Hispanics and other minorities to vote for Trump, the Left ritualistically draws foregone conclusions about which candidate minority voters should pledge loyalty to. When historically reliable blue groups such as women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Jews defect from the Left, they’re branded as traitors to their identities, deluded self-haters, or misinformed sheep. Hardly a unifying tactic.

Despite Joe Biden currently holding the title of “President-Elect,” the Left has never seemed more emboldened or nasty. The internet mob encourages young Democrats to abandon lifelong conservative friends and actively ostracize members of their own family who voted for Trump. In what should be a gracious victory lap and an extension of the olive branch to back-up the “unifying” position of “President-Elect Biden,” the Left has instead taken the familiar post of thought police. A thought police looking to crush those who dissent and punish those who believe. While the media stokes the flames in the fireplace, they are ignoring the inferno burning down the house. ANTIFA and BLM riot and take to the streets when things do not go their way. Buildings were boarded up and closed on election day out of fear of rioting— not from Trump supporters but from liberals. Even this weekend, when Trump supporters gathered for the #MillionMagaMarch to show support for the president and to demand greater election transparency, ANTIFA attacked. It shouldn’t be dangerous to protest and support your President peacefully, but it increasingly is. 

When Democrats celebrated Joe Biden’s projected victory, conservatives respected their celebrations. The difference couldn’t be more stark. Who is really the party of tolerance? The party who reposts infographics about fascism yet burns cities down when elections don’t go their way? Or the party that’s waiting for verified election results and resolved litigation. If Joe Biden wins fair and square, conservatives won’t burn down the country; they’ll go to bed and wake up the next day to go to work because they understand that life goes on. Like clockwork, there will be a midterm in two years and a presidential election in four. In the meantime, the Left can keep punishing opposing viewpoints and torching buildings; we’ll see how voters respond to that.   

Prior to the election, conservatives tried to ease the ideological divide by advocating kindness and goodwill regardless of the outcome. They posted tweets like: “No matter who wins, respect everyone, and be kind.” Predictably, many on the Left criminalized this attempt at compassion. Twitter bots retorted: “If you are posting this, it is to help ease your conscience for voting in favor of racism, and homophobia, and an administration who actively harms people you consider friends.” Unlike liberals, conservatives reject fueling animosity, come blue wave, or red. Tucker Carlson’s November 9th monologue clearly stated that Republicans would accept the election results once the courts answer questions about election impropriety and fraudulent activity. As Americans, it is our duty to participate in democracy but demand integrity and transparency in our electoral system. Once the critical questions are answered, Republicans are ready to do that.

On the other side of the unity equation, Democrats need to accept and understand the voting motivations of conservatives. Ironically, the Democrats who have “coexist” stickers on their cars are the same people who refuse to befriend Republicans. They are incapable of coexisting with intellectual diversity, blinded by their allegiance to identity politics. Stifling those who refuse to bow to your beliefs is not coexistence; it’s bigotry. Generations before us proved that politically opposed neighbors could remain friends after an election. It’s time we restore that precedent. 

I do not agree with Biden, his policies, or his vice president, just as the Left does not agree with Trump. I may not like Biden-Harris supporters’ view on police-reform, but I don’t believe they are morally corrupt because of it. Removing someone from your life, without notice or cause, because they vote differently than you is cowardly, but it’s also dangerous. These echo chambers that have dominated society for four years can’t continue. I hope you enjoy the short period of your life where everyone agrees with you because I guarantee it will not last. You may relish in the 20 liberals who validate every word you speak, but your future boss could be a Republican, your future neighbor, your future boyfriend, and maybe even your future child. Do not discredit or excommunicate someone for having an educated opinion that differs from your own. Political allegiances are not moral prescriptions. The sign your neighbor puts on their lawn doesn’t define them as a neighbor, in the same way that your vote doesn’t define who you are as a person. To the Left: you are not morally superior because you voted for Biden, and I am not morally superior because I voted for Trump. But anyone who feels the need to attack and belittle others is morally beneath both of us.

Photo via Pinterest


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