America Is Counting on Georgia

By Caroline Downey


This November, America experienced an unprecedented election fiasco. It was marked by razor-thin margins, delayed results, an overwhelming number of mail-in ballots, premature media calls, dramatic demographic shifts, and alleged fraud. All in all, it’s been chaos. While many eyes were captivated by the still too-close-to-call presidential race, many soon realized that the balance of power in the Senate was also at stake. The Senate’s fate rests in the unexpectedly purple state of Georgia, which holds a special election tomorrow to decide the winners of its two Senate seats. The players include Republican incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and Democratic challengers Jon Ossof and Raphael Warnock. The Trump campaign has defiantly challenged the presidential outcome in several swing states, citing fraud and voting irregularities. However, the partisan power struggle that determines the true trajectory of the nation culminates in tomorrow’s runoff election— regardless of whether Biden is inaugurated on January 21st or not.

If the wrong candidates win the day, America will not only steer off course but will launch to the far-left. A reliable red stronghold, Georgia narrowly turned blue for Biden in a surprise upset to the GOP. Georgia may be positioned to flip its Senate seats, too, giving the Democrats majority control over both chambers of Congress. Such a scenario opens the door for the Democrats to steamroll an unconstrained agenda that will radically change America and undo the progress of the Trump administration. Amidst this year’s confusion, the devil went down to Georgia. We depend on its freedom-loving citizens to kick him out.

While the Biden presidency alone will undoubtedly inflict irreparable fiscal damage and unhinged social policy, a Democrat-dominated Senate is sure to be cataclysmic. A Republican Senate will at least render Biden a lame-duck President by blocking any dangerous progressive policies up the far-Left’s sleeves. Not ideal, but not intolerable either. With a Democratic Senate, however, all bets are off the table. Fiscally, Democrats will raise taxes on individuals, corporations and have already committed to increased government intervention in the market in the name of woke capitalism. Biden has never endorsed the Green New Deal by name, but his “Plan for Climate Change and Environmental Justice” is a wolf in sheep’s clothing (AOC helped author it). However, the concerns of tax hikes and prolonged economic suffering pale compared to the institutional and foundational damage a Democratic Senate could inflict on our system of election and governance.

The most significant concern for conservatives, and frankly, all Americans, is the Democratic party’s tendency to eliminate institutions in the name of progress. It seems to espouse the philosophy: if you can’t win by the rules, change them. Harry Reid changed the rules surrounding filibustering executive appointments in 2013, and the Democrats intend to eliminate the legislative filibuster as soon as they take power. They’ll scrap the electoral college with the familiar misleading rhetoric of “democracy” and “Power to the people.” They’ll add states, such as the District of Columbia, to the union to guarantee new Democrat votes in the Senate. While conservatives won big with Trump confirming his third SCOTUS justice, Amy Coney Barrett, a Democratic Senate could lead to a court-packing situation. This could not only swing court decisions to the Left for a generation but tampers with a generally understood restraint on the judiciary.

Angered with the incomplete investigation of election fraud as well as Trump’s terrible treatment over the last four years, some on the right have considered abstaining from voting in the Georgia run-offs in protest. While some frustration is justified, Georgia Republicans need to come out to vote tomorrow. Failure to vote out of protest for election fraud could quite literally neuter any power of their vote in the future. The Republicans currently hold a delicate balance of power, guaranteed by the institutions and legislative mechanisms enumerated by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. The Democrats, with complete control, could not only ram through their far-left agenda but make it nearly impossible for Republicans to win in the future. 

The America that a Democratic Senate, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris envision does not reflect Georgians’ (or most of the country’s) values, principles, and history. Chuck Schumer has already stated: “Now we take Georgia, then we take the world.” We are counting on Georgians to save us from this nightmare scenario. Regardless of public opinion surrounding Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue, they will be bulwarks against Leftism, and in the spirit of Democracy and balance, they must win on Tuesday.

Photo via @ivankatrump


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