TC Documentary Guide

By Erin Spellman

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As a TC girl, I often feel frustrated as I flip through Netflix or Amazon Prime looking for a documentary and then have to suffer through 90 minutes of some woke narrative that twists the facts. This is a sentiment I am sure many of us share, but I promise that there are some great documentaries out there. Here’s the top five that I would recommend:

No Safe Spaces

Step into the world of crazy leftist university campuses where professors are fired for showing up to class and students are publicly shamed for practicing their Christian faith. There is no question that our First Amendment is under attack in the United States. You’ll follow Denis Prager and Adam Carolla around to some of America’s wokest institutions as they expose the attack on Conservatism in universities and social media.

Uncle Tom

In this powerful documentary, you’ll hear from some of America’s most prominent black conservative thinkers such as Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Col. Allen West, and Herman Cain and their personal experience in one of our country’s most misunderstood political groups: The American Black Conservative. This eye-opening documentary examines the rejection of the victim narrative and the choice of individualism and empowerment.

The Plot Against the President

Directed by Amanda Milius, you’ll learn about one of the biggest political scandals in our country’s history: the operation to bring down our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. Featuring many of America’s firebrand Conservative leaders, this documentary uncovers the truth behind the Russia hoax and how the left planned to take down the president.

Planet of the Humans

I never thought I would agree with Michael Moore, but I also never thought I would have to show my papers to go out for dinner. We are living in strange times. Michael Moore’s 2019 documentary Planet of the Humans exposes the hypocrisy of America’s environmental movement and how our world’s elites are scamming us all.

Trump Card

Written and directed by Dinesh D’Souza, Trump Card exposes the Democratic Party’s socialism and corruption. This documentary provides great insight to the movement to destroy our country’s foundations and how we can stop it.

Photo via Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum


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