Listen to These Episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience

By Caitlin

Despite the endless number of podcasts to listen to, the one that reigns supreme on the charts and for its listeners is the Joe Rogan Experience. While it's always good for a laugh, what we love about Rogan’s show is the non-intimidating access, it gives listeners to thoughtful and enlightening discussions with professors, politicians, scientists, and skeptics. You can laugh ‘til you cry while also learning so much just from pressing play during a road trip or on a hike. Here are some of our favorite episodes.

Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is the former editor-in-chief for the Daily Wire and host of his own news podcast, “The Ben Shapiro Show.” The man who melts snowflakes has appeared on the JRE three times (episodes #993, #1276, and #1512), and all of them are worth listening to. Shapiro is arguably the founding square in the modern quilt of conservatism for many young Americans. The two cover many topics, including the news of 2020, how to build a healthy relationship, Ben's suggestions to reduce poverty, and much more. Despite Rogan and Shapiro having differing political and religious views, their conversation is friendly and well-intentioned even on hot button issues. 

Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Dr. Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. She also holds the record for the most appearances on the JRE (episodes #1474, #1054, #459, #672, #773, #502, #1178, #901, #568). The two are good friends, and it shows through their endless hours of effortless conversation. Though still palatable and engaging, these episodes are more academic as Dr. Patrick displays her impressive expertise in a vast array of medical topics. There is a lot to learn from this inspiring woman as she gracefully converses about stem cell research, nutrition, exercise, and motherhood. I particularly loved hearing about her experience as a new mother from a scientific perspective.

Garrett Reisman

Garrett Reisman is a former NASA Astronaut with amazing stories to tell. This episode (#1425) is gripping for anyone and everyone. While it doesn’t discuss politics like so many of my other favorites, it’s the perfect adventure episode. He talks about his 95 days in space, two weeks spent 60 feet under the sea, the US’ galactic relationship with Russia, and the pioneer spirit that drives his career. After listening to him, you'll be proud of the Americans on the frontier of space and deep-sea exploration. 

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He is well known for his stance on freedom of speech, lifelong research of totalitarian government, and religious interpretation through conventional wisdom, all dissected in his many episodes with Rogan (#1208, #958, #1070, #877, #1006, #1139). He has empowering advice for young men and women on how we should live our lives, build relationships, and shape our country and society through the lens of personal values and virtues. His use of classic fairytales to interpret the Bible’s teachings is also sure to stick with you. 

The media loves reminding us that we’re a deeply divided country plagued by Twitter rants that are void of understanding or empathy. JRE makes me think that that might not be true. Joe Rogan has become immensely popular because Americans value discussion, not necessarily to agree, but for the sake of civility. And in the process, Rogan has let us in on personal conversations with intellectuals, tide turners, and leaders of public discourse in a way that is truly unprecedented. Joe Rogan is stereotypically regarded as a messiah for frat boys and conservatives, but in reality, he’s one of America’s most influential media figures and the speartip for common debate and civil discourse.

Photo via Vanity Fair


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