How to Detox after the Holidays

By Jayme Chandler


The holidays have officially come to an end, and it’s time to start 2021 off right! We all tend to enjoy ourselves a little too much during the holidays— I’m talking cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning, a turkey dinner on Christmas eve, and a few too many glasses of bubbly on New Year’s. Between the sugar, alcohol, and extra carbs, the holidays can leave us puffy, bloated, and, let’s be honest, a couple of pounds heavier. However, there’s no need to fret, worry, or regret because bouncing back from the holiday season is easy with a few tricks and tips. Below is my foolproof guide to feeling happy and healthy post-holidays that will get you off the couch, out the door, and ready to take on the new year feeling your best!

Eat clean

You are what you eat. Everyone deserves to let loose and indulge during the holidays, but January is the time to get back to business. The best way to bounce back and feel good about yourself after eating unhealthy is a regimented diet that works for you. I try to avoid salt, sugar, and processed foods, instead opting for veggies, whole wheat, and clean proteins. Throw in an occasional green juice packed with antioxidants and vitamins, and you’ll feel like a million bucks in no time at all.

Sweat it out

Go for a run, hike, swim, or whatever form of exercise you enjoy. Sweat out the toxins and work off those extra calories. Exercise not only gets your body looking and feeling great but has tremendous mental benefits from increased focus to more energy. There is no better way to beat your post-holiday funk than getting outside and moving.

Take a hot, steamy shower

With gyms still being closed across much of the country, let me tell you, I’ve never missed a steam room or sauna more. The closest thing I can get to it is an extra hot and steamy shower with some essential oils. Like working out, the heat releases sweat, which is excellent for clearing your skin and hair and reducing puffiness, and the steam helps clear your sinuses and lungs. A steamy shower is a critical part of my daily routine. If I’m feeling extra pampered, I turn on my favorite podcast, meditate, exfoliate and wash my hair.

Use a quartz roller

After the holidays, my face gets puffy from all of the drinks and food— a quartz roller is my go-to for beating it. I roll along my cheekbones and under my eyes to reduce inflammation; plus, it feels super soothing. Pro tip: if your eyes are puffy from a lousy night’s rest or the dry winter air, throw some spoons in the fridge before you go to bed and place them on your eyes for five minutes when you wake up.

Drink lemon water

There is no better detox than lemon water. It helps restart your metabolism, reduce swelling, and rehydrate your body. Hydration is critical after a cheat day, and drinking lemon water will replenish, refresh, and rehabilitate your body. Maybe it's a placebo, but truthfully there’s something about lemon water that never fails to make me feel like a health god. Pro tip: cold lemon water is great for waking up and keeping you energized during the day, but warm lemon water at night is incredibly soothing and great for digestion.

Throw on a facemask

Throw on your favorite facemask and boost your complexion. Facemasks leave our skin smooth, bright, and soft, which is the best way to get dull and breakout-prone skin on track. Facemasks are my favorite way to reset your skin! If you’re feeling extra fun, throw some cucumbers on the eyes as well. Pro tip: if you don’t feel like splurging at Sephora, use some full-fat greek yogurt (we love unflavored Fage 5%), it works wonders.

Give your skin a break

Holidays typically mean plenty of parties— hopefully, you used our smokey eye and red lip guides for your holiday events! Naturally, it’s time to cut back on the makeup and give your skin a break. Fatty and greasy holiday food and drinks quickly lead to breakouts— I’m dealing with a few now! So skip the makeup, let your natural beauty shine, and give your pores a break from all the products. Pro tip: if you’re experiencing blackheads, throw on a charcoal strip, and always remember to moisturize.

Sober January

As I scrolled through Instagram on New Years’ morning, I was struck by just how many people, celebrities, and friends alike, were posting about going sober for January. Like everyone, I enjoy a nice cocktail, but excessive drinking, especially over a prolonged period like the holidays, can add unnecessary calories and is terrible for your health. Quitting alcohol for just one month can have a ton of lasting health benefits, from increased energy to better skin, and is a great way to mentally take control of your year and set a healthy tone. Plus, you may learn you don’t even need a drink to have fun!

Photo via Pinterest


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