The Devil Wears Nike

By Hope Harvard


One would think it is common sense, or at least good business, to decline a partnership in which your globally recognized brand would be used as a template to create “Satan Shoes” with literal human blood in the soles. Nike did not.

There has been worldwide uproar in response to rapper Lil Nas X’s new unofficial Nike “Satan Shoes,” created in a deal with MSCHF, a company that prides itself on creating viral, absurd products. The “Satan Shoes” feature an upside-down cross, pentagram, 666 reference, Luke 10:18 (a verse describing Satan’s fall from Heaven), and— here’s the kicker— drops of human blood from MSCHF employees. There are 666 shoes available for purchase for $1,018 a pair.

The Satan-altered Nike Air Max 97’s are an advertising ploy for Lil Nas X’s new song, Call Me By Your Name. The music video for the new release follows the satanic theme as it depicts the rapper falling from the Garden of Eden, pole dancing his way to hell, and then giving the Prince of Darkness a lap dance. When asked who his audience is, Lil Nas X explained that it was children. 

Nike has denied involvement in the creation of the shoe. “We do not have a relationship with Little Nas X or MSCHF,” Nike said in a statement. “Nike did not design or release these shoes and we do not endorse them.” 

Weak words from an even weaker company. People are not going to say, “Wow, look at those MSFT’s” when looking at the shoes. They’re going to say, “Wow, look at those Nikes.” Nike knows this, and yet it’s still allowing the secondary production of these shoes using their brand’s likeness. Official collaboration or not, these shoes are still being made with a Nike logo. 

Where is the condemnation of this atrocity? Let’s not forget that less than two years ago, Nike yanked the patriotic Betsy Ross shoe from production simply because Colin Kaepernick said it offended him. A historical American flag was too controversial for Nike, but a “Satan Shoe” isn’t? Give us a break. At the end of the day, Nike endorsed the Satan Shoes when they allowed their product, logo, and name to be associated with Lil Nas X’s footwear. 

This monstrosity is just one more example we can add to a long list of moral corruption peddled to the American people by a disgusting media elite. Cardi B and Megan The Stallion were applauded for their pornographic performance at the 2021 Grammy’s. It’s almost impossible to watch a movie or television show without an explicit sex scene or gruesome killing. When questioned on the appropriateness of their display, Hollywood usually answers that the entertainment and music industry is a free market. The industry is proud to promote degeneracy that provokes outrage.

When will we stop entertaining ourselves with shock factor and sin? God leaves no room for question in the Bible regarding evil. God hates sin and commands us to do so too. He doesn’t say, “flee from sin, but it’s ok to listen to music about it and watch it on tv.” We are to abhor evil, flee from it, and lead others from it. 

The evil emanating from the entertainment business is infiltrating our culture and corrupting those weak enough to fall for it. As a result, people not only tolerate this reprehensible nonsense, they crave it. 

Many are quick to say that religion is dwindling in America, and it is easy to see why. However, according to the PEW Research Forum, 70% of Americans are Christian. With the majority of Americans claiming to possess a Christain worldview, why have we let ourselves and our nation stray so far from what is objectively good?

Ronald Reagan famously said, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Christians should strengthen their hearts and return to fear the Lord. With reverence and worship, the silent majority should use their loudest weapon— their wallets— to steer the nation in the direction of righteousness. The beauty of our free market is that it is controlled by consumer demand. 

Be the leader that doesn’t tolerate sin. Don’t buy the Satan Shoes, turn off the movie with lewd sex scenes and torturous brutality, and pause the song composed of mostly curse words. Don’t do this in protest to Hollywood, but in the worship of our Almighty God. 

This is not just another moment for Christians to clutch their pearls, but for all Americans to sincerely reevaluate the direction of our culture. 

Mr. Potato Head is offensive, and Dr. Seuss is too racist to read to kids, but satanism doesn’t raise an eyebrow? Look past the religion of who it would seem Hollywood is worshipping to what they are worshipping: evil. It includes murder, rape, torture, incest, abuse— anything and everything wrong with this world. 

We do not have to live by the leftist elites’ morally defunct ideals any longer. We can create society’s standards in our homes, schools, churches, and communities. 

And it’s high time we start raising the bar from where the Left lowered it. 


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