The Essential Dinner Party Guide


By Gina Saverino

A loneliness epidemic is sweeping the United States. 43% of young adults are experiencing a surge of loneliness post-Covid, according to a Harvard study. This isn’t surprising when you consider that screen time has largely replaced social interaction in our society.

Whether for work, social media, streaming entertainment, or online shopping, Americans spend an average of seven hours behind a screen each day. These statistics indicate that virtual connections are cheap substitutes for real ones. Young individuals are starving for authentic, real-life relationships. 

A revival of the dinner party is a potential remedy. Hosting a dinner party offers numerous benefits, but it primarily allows people to foster meaningful, in-person connections that can combat isolation and the mental health problems that stem from it. 

Every Sunday, my grandma used to invite my entire extended family over for an impressive spread of Italian food she cooked. Sometimes, up to thirty people crammed into her small Manhattan apartment. From day to night, everyone would gather around the dinner table, laughing, sharing stories, and savoring the delicious feast.

You don’t need an abundance of resources or a fancy dining table to throw a successful gathering. It’s the people and atmosphere that really matter. Hosting also allows your creativity to flourish in homemaking talents like cooking, baking, and designing a comfortable and inviting space. There’s much more to preparing for a dinner party than meets the eye. Keep reading for the best tips and tricks to hosting any party like a pro. 

Consider a theme

Choosing a theme can be a fun and creative starting point. Whether inspired by holidays, seasons, fashion trends, movies, historical eras, or a combination, themes add a special touch to a dinner party. For example, “A Bridgerton Summer" theme encourages guests to dress in blush tones and regency-inspired attire. Also, you can embellish your dining table with decorative bows and frills. This theme combines the summer season’s spirit with a currently trending historical era. 

Compile the guest list and send invitations 

Consider your space limitations when deciding on the list and embrace the diverse groups of friends and family. By not overthinking the guest list, conversations can unfold naturally and keep the night interesting. For invitations, keep it casual with a group chat and mass text. However, for a more formal gathering, using platforms like Evite to send official email invitations is a suitable option. 

Plan the menu 

The perfect menu includes a few appetizers, a main dish with at least two sides, and a dessert. In a #BidenBudget America, grocery prices have skyrocketed. Affordable and tasty main dish options include baked ziti, casseroles, or budget-friendly meat like a pot roast or london broil. Similar to my grandma, I prefer serving Italian food at my dinner parties not only because it honors our heritage but also because it's tasty, hearty, quick to make, and you can feed many people inexpensively with just a box of pasta and homemade sauce. 

Organize your menu by using an Excel spreadsheet and categorize dishes by appetizers, main course, and dessert. Adjacent to each dish, include the hyperlinks for easy access during cooking. Also, compiling a grocery list within the spreadsheet ensures you don’t overlook any ingredients. For those who prefer to avoid using screens, keep a dedicated recipe book to jot down recipes. When hosting a larger gathering, I like to print out individual menus and place them at each table setting. This ensures there’s no confusion about what’s being served and adds a fun touch to dress up the table, enhancing the overall theme.

Organize the day’s tasks 

Craft a schedule within the same spreadsheet or in a notebook, outlining tasks in chronological order for the day. Ensure you schedule all of your to-dos, which will include cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating/setting up, and getting yourself ready for the night.

Set the ambience 

Let your creativity shine by crafting the appropriate atmosphere through music, decor, and smell. In support of music, you can pick a themed Spotify playlist. For decor, floral arrangements are an easy way to embellish the room. Consider purchasing at Trader Joe's for their long-lasting flowers at an affordable price point. 

Purchase your dinner and serving ware 

Similar to your wardrobe, invest in high-quality minimalist dinnerware— such as plates, utensils, and serving bowls. Choosing quality ensures longevity and the simplicity offers a sense of versatility, making them suitable for various dinner parties. To “dress up” your table setting, accessorize with trendy, yet affordable items like placemats, tablecloths, napkins, and cups. 

Decide on entertainment 

Game nights, DIY crafts (painting, floral arrangement DIY, or needle pointing), conversation cards, interactive meals like pizza or sushi making, or even karaoke are great entertainment options for your dinner party. 

Have fun and mingle 

Most importantly, enjoy the event! Engage with everyone and be present. Remember, what your guests will cherish most is the joy of gathering together. Don’t stress over kitchen mishaps- mistakes are part of the learning process, and hosting will get easier with practice.


Gina Saverino is a fashion industry professional based in New York. She specializes in merchandising and financial planning for women’s apparel.


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